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Sunday & Midweek meetings

We meet to worship twice on a Sunday- 10:30 and 18:00. We also have a prayer meeting on a Wednesday at 19:00-20:15. You're more than welcome to join us at any of our meetings. 

If you are thinking of visiting on a Sunday, you may have some questions about what to expect.


What will happen?

The service will usually be led by one of the church leaders. In our meetings we seek to worship God by praying to God, encouraging one another by singing hymns and songs and by enjoying each other’s company. The central element of the meeting is listening to the Bible being read, explained and applied to life. .


What will I have to do?

Nothing! We want you to feel at home with us. Just sit and listen to what is said. Usually we stand to sing, and the leader will explain when that is. You won’t be asked to say or do anything on your own.

There is a Sunday School for young children during the morning sermon. The building has level access and a disabled toilet.


What should I wear?

Though we take worship seriously, the atmosphere at the church is quite informal. People are friendly and there is no dress code. You’ll see some people in a suit and tie and others in a T-shirt.


Please contact if you have questions that remain unanswered. We look forward to seeing you in the future.


Er mai eglwys Saesneg yr iaith yw Eglwys Mount Elim, mae nifer o’r rhai sy’n mynychu yn medu’r Gymraeg.  Mae’r gweinidog, Steffan Jones, yn Gymro Cymraeg iaith gyntaf. Bydd croeso cynnes i chi yn y Gymraeg hefyd.

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